I am completely burned out. I have been burned out for a lot longer than I realised.
Burn out may look different for different people.
For me, I am fatigued, sleep doesn’t make much of a difference. I don’t wake up rested.
My brain doesn’t seem to function properly. I forget things, overthink, can’t settle on anything.
I don’t know how to really enjoy life. I will sit and watch something on TV, but it’s not relaxing, it’s more that it’s existing in the background.
On that note, I can’t seem to relax.
I feel like I am letting everyone down – my boss, clients, parents, everyone! Even if that is not logical.
I am also having events from the last 10 years caring for my chronically ill kids catching up with me as there is no way to deal with things when you’re in the moment.
I need a break, but I’m scared. How am I going to afford to live while I do this?
The first step is that I will be taking December and January off work. I will still be writing and selling books, I will still do the workshops that I’ve been booked to do, but otherwise, I am taking a break from work.
I am hoping that during this time, I will be able to evaluate life and set things up next year so that I can have breaks during the year, as well as set things up so I’m not slipping further in to burnout.
Wish me luck.
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