In many romance movies, there is an elder of some sort. This is usually a grandparent, but can also be someone the main character or main characters grew up with such as a teacher or employer, who the main characters can talk to at key moments in the story.
There are a few movies where the elder has passed away before the movie starts and imparts their wisdom in a number of ways including notebooks, cookbooks, or even a will! In these cases, the wisdom can be a key part of the story (such as leaving a will where the main characters must come together in a common goal, giving the platform for them to meet and fall in love).
The life lesson here is to have elders in your life.
These could be grandparents or simply those who have been there before you, whether it’s parenting, a job, or life in general.
Having elders is important.
Elders can provide a listening ear and advice when needed. They are also great people to give you some hard advice when needed, as well as a tissue and shoulder to cry on when needed to.
In many of the movies, the elder is the one who can tell the main character when they are being silly and need to actually talk to the other person, or be patient. They are also often the one to see what may be obvious to everyone expect the main characters.
In everyday life, elders can play a similar role. They can be someone to talk to when times are tough, as well as celebrate with us when things are going well, and generally provide some guidance when needed.
Elders are important, no matter how old you are. And if you get the opportunity to be an elder to someone else, it’s a wonderful role to play.
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