The other week, I posted about how I don’t operate to rewards & punishment. I also mentioned that I’m meant to be doing a 100 day challenge for writing here…
Well, what I knew would happen has happened.
I have run out of steam.
I am exhausted and struggling to come up with ideas for what to write about.
Anything I think about may have already been written, or I’m not in a position to write when the idea comes and then forget when I do get to the computer.
This is also why I love WordPress. I can schedule posts when I get in to hyperfocus mode, and backdate posts when I need to.
I missed posting yesterday, so I was able to write something to backdate.
Some may say this is ‘cheating’. For me, this is a tool that means I can do more to work with my brain instead of constantly fighting against it.
My brain simply isn’t designed to just ‘show up’ every day. There are days where I need to rest, have a break. There are other days when I can churn out content like no ones business.
My brain also isn’t designed to do a 100 day challenge, at least, not in they way this particular one was designed. It’s not motivated by punishment and reward, it does its own thing.
I’m sure inspiration will come once more, but this weekend, much time has been spent napping.
If you have any ideas for topics, please let me know.
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